Sumit Roy Professional Skills: Languages - C, C++, Objective C, Java, Python.. Operating Systems - Linux, OSX, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX. Configuration Tools - ansible, Chef. Work Experience: Member, EpiImaging LLC, 1/2017 - date. Brought up an OpenEmbedded Linux system on a Xilinx ZynqMP board with a novel light-field camera system. Integrated OpenCV based rectification library and a custom vision application to provide an end-to-end multi-camera to point-cloud system. Documented development workflow for other members of the team, worked closely with hardware engineer to debug problems on the production board. Consulting Engineer, Cignition, 8/2016 - 12/2016. Converted AWS server infrastructure to highly available, backed up system. Set up staging environment for testing new releases and features. Automated build and deploy process for client and server code, minimizing manual steps and downtime. Fixed WebGL delivery system for better end-user experience. Principal Engineer, NerdWallet, 5/2015 - 8/2016. Wrote Python Flask service to smoothen conversion rate on the highest revenue generating page of NerdWallet's content site. Worked with DevOps team to standardize build and deployment infrastructure to support larger Development team. Principal Engineer, Blinkx/RhythmOne, 12/2013 - 4/2015. Worked on stress testing of the Ad Server to prepare a move from a data center to a cloud based infrastructure. Prepared cost estimates based on production load tests, created migration plan, stress tested cloud instances, and migrated the complete system (100+ nodes) with less than 1 hour downtime. Ported entire code base for running on Debian Linux instead of CentOS Linux to support faster and more robust UI development. Setup new build system with controlled chroot environment and Debian/CentOS cross compilation support. Re-architected content ingestion system to support REST model and third-party transcoding. Principal Engineer, Rhythm NewMedia, 07/2005 - 12/2013. Rhythm NewMedia is a leader amongst mobile video ad networks. Responsible for all streaming and media related modules in the product. Wrote plugin modules for the Apple Darwin Streaming Server and RealNetworks Helix server for seamlessly sequencing advertising and content clips. Designed a media ingestion module for transcoding video content from advertisers and publishers into 3G compliant formats, based on ffmpeg and mplayer. Commercial services launched with 3 and T-Mobile in the UK, Telecom Italia Mobile in Italy, Vodafone in Spain, as well as Sprint and Verizon in the US. Designed performance testing suite and harness for streaming server as well as end-to-end product. Installed and supported infrastructure tools including version control system, collaborative Wiki, bug tracking, project management, continuous integration system. Designed release system. Implemented a test automation framework for complete product testing using Selenium and TestNG. Developed multiple video centric, advertising supported iPhone applications. Architected a reconfigurable client library which allowed Rhythm NewMedia to launch a large number of diverse white-labeled apps within a single year, including vSNAX, TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, E! Online, Discovery Channel, Family Guy, AMC, Home & Garden TV, Food Network, Extra, CW, Ellen and Gamespot. Supported migration to Apple HTTP Streaming, added new transcoding script. Optimized streaming vs progressive download modes via webserver plugin. Senior Research Scientist, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, 02/2000 - 07/2005. Worked with the HPOpenCall Business Unit to support video streaming to the OpenCall MediaPlatform. Product is designed for rapid deployment of video telephony services, such as video call center, video-voice mail etc. Recognized as one of the top technology contributions from HP Labs in the last 40 years. 1 conference paper published, 1 book chapter, and 1 patent application, product released December 2005. Worked on streaming server performance characterization and failure prediction. 1 SIGMETRICS workshop paper published, 2 patent applications. Architected the Mobile Streaming Media - Content Distribution Network research prototype. Wrote a modular streaming media server which was extended to provide various media services: device dependent transcoding of video content, application level multicast to mitigate network bottlenecks, load dependent media service adaptations. 5 conference papers published, 10 patent applications, 5 patents granted. Wrote a trace generation tool for the Itanium ia64 processor and designed a simulation framework for exploring memory hierarchies and memory controllers. 1 conference paper published. Researched secure storage systems for hosting applications for multiple customers in a utility data center. Wrote a memory compression system as a linux kernel driver, and demonstrated significant performance improvements when running large applications on memory constrained machines. 1 conference paper published, 3 patents granted. Research Assistant Professor. Wayne State University, 08/1998 - 02/2000. Extended thesis work on Distributed Shared Memory Systems and wrote research grant proposals which led to $1.5 Millon in funding from the National Science Foundation, Ford Motor Company, and the Army Research Labs. Assisted graduate students in their thesis work. Field Engineer, Halliburton Oilfield Services Inc. 08/1991 - 08/1993. Provided wireline oil well completion services to the Oil & Natural Gas Commission, India. Managed a crew of equipment operators, interfaced with the customer on-site, trained in handling radioactive sources and high energy explosives. Education: PhD Computer Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit 1998. MS Computer Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit 1996. BTech Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 1991.